Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/413096320115384
A carefully crafted presentation can make or break a company’s chance of early success in gaining financial backing, gaining early customers, and securing critical partnerships. Presentation content, slide layout, properly setting expectations, tempo, and pace of the presenter, they all play a role in helping to set the hook and getting funding to help sustain the business. Join Tahoe Silicon Mountain, a local network of entrepreneurs and professionals, on Monday, May 10th, for a panel presentation on how “Pitch Camp” made a difference for my company.
Tahoe Silicon Mountain will have a panel discussion of former pitch camp attendees, who will share updates on their businesses and how pitch camp helped them succeed. In a normal year, the Sierra Small Business Development Center at Sierra Business Council and Tahoe Silicon Mountain sponsor Startup Weekend and a pitch camp where the camp enables early-stage businesses with a chance to create a pitch that can be used with early stage investors, donors, target customers, and potential partners.
Please join us on Monday, May 10, at 5:00 PM online at bit.ly/YouTubeTSM. The event will be available on YouTube as a livestream and after the event. Livestream for this event starts at 5:00 PM on bit.ly/YouTubeTSM, or log onto YouTube and search for Tahoe Silicon Mountain.
The audience will be able to submit questions during the presentation.
A Suggested donation of $5.00 will help TSM to defray the expenses of live streaming the event. Please donate at www.Tahoesiliconmountain.com
You can find us at TahoeSiliconMountain.com or sign up for email meeting announcements here: http://bit.ly/TSMEmail